24th April – First Aid Training

Eastern Region Rowing Council is pleased to be able to support our members by offering First Aid courses on Sunday 24th April. The venue is City of Cambridge RC (to whom many thanks) and the cost will be £30.00 per head.
This 3-hour First Aid course which includes CPR will be delivered by Sue Baker from the Maritime Volunteer Service. The course meets the requirements of British Rowing and will support you and your club.
There are two sessions available – 09.00 – 12.00 or 13.00 – 16.00 and the 11 places available on each session will be filled on a first come first served basis. We are happy to accept bookings from outside the Region but if the courses are over-subscribed, priority will be given to Eastern Region Club members.
In order to book your place(s) please complete this form and return it to Vicky Parry by Monday 18th April.